New Blog - Moon Blossom

I have a new blog (follow link on side). Feel free to look here as well!

About Me

My photo
I'm married with two beautiful girls, my family is my world. My love of photography and taking pictures of my babies urged me to start my own website. I'm a stay at home Mom and couldn't be more proud , there's nothing on earth I'd rather do more than be apart of their everyday lives.

Beautiful Gorgeous #1

Beautiful Gorgeous #1
Bella 4 years - aka Bepp

BeautifulGorgeous #2

BeautifulGorgeous #2
Ava 1 year - aka Taji

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Making Up For Lost Time

I haven't been very good about keeping up on my blogging, so I'm making up for lost time. I'll try to stay up to date from now on, but I'm not making any promises :) Hope you enjoy the past couple of months as much as I did.

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